The freshest corner!
As Mk Bintell, the freshness of our nuts is our top priority. We choose each product with you in mind and present them to you in their fresh and natural form. All our nuts are found on our shelves with the highest quality and taste, with a daily fresh purchase guarantee.
Fresh and natural nuts add health, energy and flavor to every moment of your life.
How often should I eat nuts?
Nuts can be consumed as part of a healthy diet, with a handful (about 30 grams) per day being enough to provide the necessary nutrients. However, it is important not to overdo it as they are high in calories.
Are nuts suitable for vegan/vegetarian diets?
Yes, nuts are an excellent source of protein for vegan and vegetarian diets. They are a suitable alternative to plant-based diets because they do not contain animal products. Nuts also provide the body with the healthy fats and nutrients it needs.
Should I choose raw or roasted nuts?
Both types are healthy, but raw nuts are a more natural option that can be consumed directly without losing their nutritional value. Roasted nuts may be more delicious and crunchy, but some nutrients (especially omega-3 fatty acids) may be reduced during heat treatment. If you prefer nuts with added oil or salt, roasted ones may be ideal. However, for a healthy snack, it may be more beneficial to choose raw nuts.
How long do nuts stay fresh?
The freshness period of nuts may vary depending on storage conditions and type. In general, raw nuts can stay fresh for 6-12 months, and roasted nuts can stay fresh for 3-6 months. You can find exact information about freshness periods from the expiration date on the product's packaging.